Giving back to those in need does not have to be confusing or difficult. In fact, you may even be able to support worthwhile causes while buying products that you might purchase anyway. These five companies have partnered up with world charities so that a portion of your purchase goes to help those in need. You can feel good about supporting these charities when you buy to give back.
Apple: (RED)

(RED) was founded in 2006 by Bono and Bobby Shriver to harness the power of people and companies to help fight AIDS.
You are going to buy a smartphone anyway, why not choose a (RED) branded iPhone to give back with your purchase. Brands that work with (RED) donate up to 50% of (RED) branded goods to the Global Fund. This money is then given in grants to help the millions of people around the world affected by AIDs and HIV. To date, (RED) has raised more than $460 million dollars for this worthy cause.

Lauren founded FEED in 2007 with the simple idea of creating products that would engage people in the fight against hunger in a tangible way. Every one of our products has a number stamped on it that signifies the amount of meals or micronutrient packets provided with its purchase.
When buying your next handbag, consider buying from FEED. Feed is a social business dedicated to providing nutritious meals to children around the world. Each artisan-made bag that you purchase provides a number of healthy meals for students in places like Cambodia, Chad and Guatemala. The beautiful Simone Saddle Bag provides 75 school lunches to needy children. Studies show that not only does providing school lunches help the health of these children. It also increases school attendance which can be life-changing for many of these children.
The Shine Project

Blogger Ashley LeMieux saw first hand the need that many high schools faced which prevented them from attending college. She was determined to help as many of these promising students as possible, so she began The Shine Project. This non-profit is headquartered in Phoenix. Students come after school to help to hand-make jewelry, take customer orders, and ship orders out. 100% of the profits go back to these students and into scholarships which have allowed 40 students to attend college. The program also provides work opportunities and mentoring for these students once they are in college.
Every single student who received a scholarship would say something along the lines of, “Miss Ashley, it’s not even about the money for me. It’s the fact that people actually believe that I am worth something, that I can do it, and that I have a great potential inside of me. That motivates me more than anything.”
Michael Kors: Watch Hunger Stop

The importance of children’s nourishment is something that we can all get behind, so why not give a gift that gives back and raises awareness of an important cause at the same time?
Michael Kors launched his Watch Hunger Stop campaign in 2013. The campaign provides school meals for children in collaboration with the United Nations World Food Programme. Since that time, more than 10 million meals have been served thanks to those who have purchased a Michael Kors 100 series watch. The purchase of any watch in this designer series provides 100 lunches for needy kids.
Bulgari: Save the Children

Partnering with Save the Children, Bulgari launched a campaign of unprecedented ambition and scope, in which part of the proceeds from the sale of a Save the Children jewelry collection – custom designed by Bulgari – is donated to support our programming.
Bulgari sells a line of fine jewelry that benefits Save the Children, a charity which provides nutrition, early childhood and adolescent development, education and school health to children around the world. To date, Save the Children’s Bulgari-supported programs have reached over 700,000 children and trained over 30,000 teachers. Educational activities and initiatives are offered in more than 2,000 schools world-wide.
These brands are not the only ones trying to make a positive impact on the world around them. Read more about these companies who practice a one-for-one giving model with their sales.