Designers understand that hiking boots are about more than the sporty past time. While good quality hiking footwear is adept for handling tough terrains in the wild, the shoe style is also perfect for navigating the gritty urban terrains that most of us frequent. Hiking boots provide warmth in winter as well as great style. To help you enhance your wardrobe, here are some of our top picks for hiking footwear from your favorite designers.
Magnifico Boots M130 Paris by Fracap

Fracap boots got their start in 1908, and the brand has kept up with the times. In keeping with tradition, every pair of boots in handmade at the family’s factory in Italy. The brand uses the finest Tuscan sourced vegetable tanned leather. In keeping up with modern technology, the brand allows customers to completely customize their own boots online. These fully customizable luxury boots are among the best of the best.
The Magnifico Boots M130 Paris are made with a red vegetan calf leather upper and a fully natural calf leather lining. Even the insole is made with natural calf leather. The burnished eyelets with the black and yellow flat laces give these hiking boots a stylish finish. The Magnifico boots sell for 325 euro or approximately $367.
Vancouver by Moncler

The determination of those who dare to tackle unmarked trails to discover what is over the horizon. This is the spirit that inspired the New Vancouver, which boldly faces a metropolitan lifestyle thanks to a mix of high-tech details that are ready for any obstacle, no matter the difficulty. Dedicated to those relentless souls who never give up.
Moncler takes its name from a French alpine town but is a luxury Italian sportswear label. The brand is known for creating outstanding outdoor wear. Moncler’s hiking footwear is simply the highest quality and some of the best looking boots that can be found. The new Vancouver boot will look great on the trails and at the resort bar. These designer hiking boots are selling out quickly, so grab your pair while they last. The Vancouver hiking boot by Moncler sells for $665.
Hiker Mocha Oil Tan Roughout by Viberg

Viberg has been making this style of hiking boot since the 1970s and it is still a top seller. Viberg’s hiker boot has a whole-cut upper. This ensures that the boot is naturally waterproof. The distinct lace-toe system design provides the wearer with plenty of support and makes the hiking boot easy to put on and take off.
Viberg is a Canadian brand that is well known for making high quality, luxury boots. While most of their designs are for service boots, this hiking boot is a top seller. The unique design is a result of the partnership between brand founder Edwin Viberg and master boot maker Bill Danner. The Hiker Mocha Oil Tan Roughout sells for $690.
Men’s Madson™ Hiker Waterproof Boot by Sorel

For the ultimate in comfort and style, this waterproof boot by Sorel is an excellent choice. This classic hiking boot style combines the comfort of a sneaker with a complete waterproofing. The Madison Hiker by Sorel is both rugged and stylish. The supple leather upper gives the boot a refined appearance. The alpine-inspired metal eyelets lend to the rugged, classic look. Hike trails or splash through the streets to work in these hiking boots.
Sorel is a brand based in Canada with a long history of producing stylish boots. In business since 1962, the polar bear logo is unmistakable. The sealed waterproof seams on the Madison Hiker boots as well as the memory foam footbeds ensure that your feet will stay cozy and dry wherever you go. Purchase a pair of these Sorel brand boots for $190.
So, are you looking for some hiking footwear? You can’t go wrong with any of the hiking boots above! For more suggestions of rugged footwear, see our post about the designer boots perfect for winter.