Breakfast at Tiffanys! The Opening of the Blue Box Cafe

Breakfast is, undoubtedly, my favorite meal of the day! Most people don’t know this about me but I am a creature of habit; I have my scrambled eggs, rye toast and butter every single morning…BUT Breakfast at Tiffany’s…well, that my darling, is a whole different story. I am more than happy to stray away from my usual routine to dine at The Blue Box Café. Yes, you can actually have Breakfast at Tiffany’s at their iconic flagship store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. Well…in my case, it ended up being more of a late lunch-ish (let’s be real, it ended up being dinner by the time we were seated).


Breakfast at Tiffanys! The opening of the Blue Box Cafe
Photos by Sasha Moiger

I read the press release about the opening of the store and immediately called to see if they were taking reservations. The woman on the other end of the phone literally laughed at me…she suggested I get there early because opening day was expected to be crowded. Well, she was spot on…crowded was an understatement. Tiffany’s opens its doors at 10am, so my friend and I lined up at 9:30am on the coldest day to date. We waited and waited and waited some more…the line wrapped around the building, into the store, around the jewelry counters up until you reached the elevator. The wait wasn’t as bad as you would think. After all, we were waiting inside one of the most iconic buildings in the world so there was plenty to see; at least we waited among the finest diamonds in the world (not too shabby haha).


Breakfast at Tiffanys! The opening of the Blue Box Cafe
Photos by Sasha Moiger

When we finally made our way through the line onto the elevator and up to the fourth floor, the doors opened and we were unleashed into a sea of tiffany blue pure heaven. The beautiful Blue Box Café opened on November 8th on the fourth floor of the legendary store, part of a wholly renovated space that showcases luxury home goods and accessories. The new chief artistic officer, Reed Krakoff, revamped the floor, replacing the masculine dark marble and wood floors with light marble floors, white walls and tiffany blue household trinkets.


Breakfast at Tiffanys! The opening of the Blue Box Cafe
Photos by Sasha Moiger


As you make your way to the café located at the back of the floor, there is plenty to explore with many photo worthy backdrops. This was a pleasant place to wait and it kept us entertained while waiting for our table. As we waited for our name to be called, we mingled, looked, touched, took photos of about just about everything…we did this for at least an hour and NOTHING…our name still hadn’t been called. I’m normally pretty impatient (anybody who knows me well can vouch to this) but I honestly didn’t mind waiting in this beautiful location.


Breakfast at Tiffanys! The opening of the Blue Box Cafe
Photos by Sasha Moiger

There was a sea of little black dresses, pearls and tiaras but I must say, I was the most enthusiast Holly Golightly. After waiting three hours, we finally made it to a tiny table in the back. I forgot to mention, the café is the size of a Tiffany Blue Box (the little one). We were so excited to sit down and see the menu! By this time, I was starving and my little Holly Golightly tea and croissant wasn’t going to cut it…I was hangry! I was excited to see that they had a full menu as well as a full tea service.


Breakfast at Tiffanys! The opening of the Blue Box Cafe
Photos by Sasha Moiger


We definitely enjoyed taking our time trying various dishes from their delicious menu. I highly suggest the Fifth Avenue Salad, all of the finger sandwiches and the coconut brownie. I must say my dear, the food was magically worth the wait; I didn’t want to leave! It just felt so fantastic to dine with diamonds. I recently learned that you can now make a reservation ahead of time (by ahead of time I mean like months in advance) but this is much better than waiting for hours. The Blue Box Café has now become another iconic NYC spot for both tourists and locals. Make sure to add this to your list of to-do’s next time you are in the city, it is quite an experience.


Breakfast at Tiffanys! The opening of the Blue Box Cafe
Photos by Sasha Moiger

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Breakfast at Tiffanys! The Opening of the Blue Box Cafe