Becoming a parent for the first time is life-changing in many ways. For many new parents, things that never concerned them before suddenly become important. You are entirely responsible for this brand new human being, and your focus shifts to providing the best the world has to offer them while leaving them the best world possible. Wrapping your child in organic, soft, eco-friendly fabrics becomes a priority for many parents. Sustainable and fashionable clothing give you peace of mind. You know that your little one is dressed from the best kids clothing designers while minimizing damage to our planet. To help you with your eco-friendly children’s clothes, here are some of the top kids clothing brands that are both sustainable and fashionable.
Urban Baby Co.

Urban Baby Co. is an eclectic, eco-friendly, and handmade brand for the hippest babies and toddlers. Our modern, fashion-forward styles will meet the approval of today’s most trendsetting folks.
Urban Baby Co. is one of the kids clothing brands that offer apparel and accessories for both babies and toddlers. Clothing, hats, and headbands are all available in 100% organic cotton. The company aims to go green in all aspects of their business and utilize recycled materials and biodegradable packaging for its product line. Their unique custom designed items range from sweet to sarcastic to funny.
Monica and Andy

One of our favorite kids clothing designers, Monica Royer started her company after the birth of her first child. Motherhood made her conscious of what touched her child’s skin, and she knew with absolute confidence that she wanted only the softest and most trustworthy textiles touching her baby’s skin. When she could not find those products she decided to make her own. Monica and Andy is “a kind + conscious clothing company creating organic essentials for moms and babies, made by moms with babies.”
The founders of Frugi, Lucy and Kurt, knew they were going to cloth diaper their baby. They struggled to find kids clothing brands that were equally as environmentally conscious and sustainably produced as the cloth nappies they were going to use. Thus, they opened “Cut4cloth” to fill the void. The brand’s name was later changed to “Frugi”, which means “Fruit of the Earth” in Latin. The clothing line includes options for older children to wear. The highly successful brand has received the prestigious “Queen’s Award for Enterprise” which earned them a visit to Buckingham Palace. Perhaps the next Royal Baby will be seen sporting Frugi?

Dhana is one of the ethical kids clothing brands for babies and children. The company started in 2008 and is certified by Fairtrade International – Small Producers Organizations. Dhana goes above and beyond many other sustainable clothing brands, choosing to solely do business with partners who match their passion for sustainable practices. Dhana only works with factories that provide safe working conditions and fair wages. The brand is a founding partner of “SOURCE,” which is a global ethical fashion network. Dhana is a leader and an example in their field of business.

This New Zealand based brand uses certified organic cotton and recycled materials to make their trendy children’s clothing. In addition to providing customers with high-quality products, they also make the world a better place, one worker at a time. Their factory in Cambodia trains and employs women to help them bring their families out of poverty.
“ReCreate is not just about meeting minimum ethical standards. We are committed to people and seeing their lives transformed. Each year we train and employ new students from within the Dey Tmey community who have a desire to learn a lifelong skill that will provide for themselves, their families and their futures. In addition to full sewing training, students receive lessons in money management, reading and writing, and basic healthcare. Alongside these students, our core team of skilled garment makers are employed in an empowering work environment, earning a living wage while continually being provided with opportunities to improve their skills.”
Are there any other kids clothing designers that you love? Or perhaps other sustainable kids clothing brands your children love? For more great eco-friendly fashion ideas, see our story about the eco-luxury fashion lines that support free trade.