Luxury Closets You Have to See to Believe

We love luxury fashion of all types.  Filling our closets to the brim with the latest designers and the hottest looks. But how do you organize it all?  How do you find your favorite pair of Louboutins in all of that clutter?  We have the solution!  A look inside of luxury closets that you just have to see to believe.  Can you imagine having a 3,000 square foot, three story megacloset?  Maybe in your dreams!  Well dream away!  Take a look inside these gorgeous, opulent closets and start planning your own.  After all, those Louboutins deserve a home as grand as they are!

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Art from Earthquake Salvage

Mexican artist Ricardo Cardenas has our eye as he creates works of art from the salvage of buildings including pieces from the Central Mexico earthquake.
